IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 ( Reaffirmed 2002 ) Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR FIRE-CHECK DOORS PART I PLATE, METAL COVERED AND ROLLING TYPE ( Second Reprint MAY 1989 ) UDC 69.028.1:699.81 @ Copyright 1966 BUREAU MANAK OF INDIAN STANDARDS MAR0 BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 5 September 1966 IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR FIRE-CHECK DOORS PART I PLATE, METAL COVERED AND ROLLING TYPE Fire Chairman T,T-GEN H. WILLTAMS Safety Sectional Committee, BDC 36 Represent Planning (`ommission inR Members SHRI .4. B. XI)VAXl sHR1 R. N. AYRTON SHRI A. LAMSDELL SHRI A.C. I?AN&RJEE SHRI Municipal Corporation of Delhi Mather & Platt Ltd, Calcutta ( Alternate S.C. CI~ATTERJEE SHRI I).ROY (Alternate ) DKPUTY DIRECTOR STANDARDS ( .`b~CHITE:(:TURE), RDSO I~IRE SUPXRINTENDENT, CENTRAI, ,~ECRETARIAT oqERVI(:F: SHRI S. PREDILIS I,T-COT.G.C.GAUTAM Central Building Research Institute Roorkee West Bengal Fire Services, Calrutta Ministry of Railways Works Department. ) ( CSTR ), Central Public FIRE Bombay Fire JXgade, Bombay Enginner-in Chief's Branch, Army Headquarters Research and Development Organization ( Ministry of Defence ) (Alternate) Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals SHRI 1'. N. GHOSH SHRI M. B. CHAKANKAR SHRI G. N. GIUWANI SIIRI C. S. RAO ( Alternate ) Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calrut)trt BRIU K. R. GRANT Central Water and Power Commission SHRI C. L. HANDA SHKI H. SEN ( Alternate) Hindustan Construrt,ion Co Lt.d, Bombs? SHRI v. S. KAMAT Ministry of Home Affairs SHRI M. J. & MANECIiJI SNRI R. R. IT ,SHRI A. CHATTERJI ( Alternate ) SHRI Ii. K. NAMBIAR The Concrete Association of India, Bombay SHRI N. H. MOHILE ( Alternate ) ( Continued on page 2 ) BUREAU hlANAK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN 9 BAHADUR DELHI STANDARDS SHAH 110002 ZAFAR MARG NEW IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 ( Contit7ueclfrom pa,qe 1 ) A4emher.s Regresentin,q Nnt,ional Fire Sewice Collegr f Ministry of Home Affairs ), Nagpur Indian Institute of Architects, Bornhay Central Public Works Department Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay, Dire&or General, ISI ( Ex-officio Member Bombay SHRI SANGAT SINGH SUPERINTENDING SURVEYOROF SARI S. G. VENGSARKAR WORKS ( ELECTRICAL ) DR II. C. VISVESVARAYA, Dire&or ( Civ Engg j ) Secretary SHRI J. R. &IIEHTA Assist.ant Director ( Civ Engg ), IST IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR FIRE-CHECK DOORS PART I PLATE, METAL COVERED AND ROLLING TYPE 0. 0.1 This Indian tution on 27 May tional Committee Council. FOREWORD Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Insti1966, after the draft finalized by the Fire Safety Sechad been approved by the Civil Engineering Division 0.2 One of the fire safety requirements to be taken into consideration while planning and designing industrial and non-industrial buildings is both to provide the means for restricting the spread of fire, The spread of fire can be minimized if the internally and externally. respective floor areas are limited and divided into smaller sections, each section being separated by perfect separating walls and openings therein The design of fire-check doors and fitted with fire-check doors. the materials to be used in their construction have to be such that the doors shall be capable of providing an effective barrier to the spread of fire. The fire resistance of two doors should, as far as practicable, be the same as for the wall. This standard has been prepared with a view to providing adequate guidance to both the manufacturer and the user in regard to the materials td be used and the construction to be adopted for fire-check doors capable of giving the required fire protection. As erection of fire-check doors is a very important aspect in order to achieve the desired degree of fire protection, it is strongly advised that the fire check doors should be erected strictly in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix A of this standard. 0.3 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country. 0.4 For the purpose of decidillq whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the tinal valrle, observed or calculated, 3 IS : 3614 ( Part I)`- 1966 expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordThe number of significant places retainrci ance with IS : 2-1960". in the rounded off value cllould he the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard la)-< drnvn the requirements regardiq materials and details of conz~i~ttctiolt of steel plate, metal covered and rolling type of fire-check doors for the protection of openings in walls or floors to restrict the spread of fire withill builtlin~s whether from internal fire or from exterlial fire. 2. TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For apply. the purpose of this standard, One the follonin~ deliniticcns ihnll 2.1 Single Fire-Check Door on one side to an opening. door shutter constructed li!r fitting shutters 2.2 Double Fire-Check Door -Two single fire-check door as defined in 2.1 for fitting one on each side to an opening. 3. TYPES 3.1 Fire-check a) cj door shall plate doors, covered be of the following and types: Steel Rolling 1)) Metal doors, steel shutters. 4. SIZES Thr size of steel plate doors and metal covered doors shall suit the size of opcnirrg ~~hic~hshall neither cxcred 5 m2 in area nor shall 1~ more tllan 2.10 m ill width 01 2.75 m in height. 4.1 Steel Plate Doors and Metal Covered Doors 4;2 Rolling Steel Shutters - The size of rolling steel shtttters shall suit the size of doorway which shall neither exceed 5 mz in area nor sl~ll be more than 2.4 m in width or 2.10 m in height, measui-ed bet\\-err: the faces of the reveals of opening or projecting ,jaml)s aud from the floor of the opening to the underside of the barrel. , IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 5. MATERIAL 5.1 Mild Steel Plates, Sections, etc used in the construction 32.0 of IS : 1977- 1962*. of fire-check Mild doors stt=el plates, sections, etc, shall coIlform to Grade St 5.2 Timber-Timber boards used in the construction of metal covered The doors shall be of thoroughly seasoned teak or yellow pine wood. boards shall he kiln-dried for a period of at least 48 hours with a `l'he finishing temperature of at least 107°C during the last 12 hours. moisture content of seasoned timber when used in door shall not Immediately after their removal from be more than 15 percent. the drying kiln and whilst still hot they shall be thoroughly impregllatrd by immersion in hot coal tar creosote conforming to IS: 218-1961~. 6. CONSTRUCTION 6.1 Steel Plate Doors 6.1.1 The door shall be of steel plate not less than 6 mm thick, with stiles and rails (and muntins where necessary ) on each face of the plate not less than 100 mm in width and 6 mm thick, riveted together with rivets not less than 8 mm in diameter or welded in accordancr with IS : 823-19641 and spaced not more than 150 mm apal t, dividing the door into panels not exceeding 0.8 m2 each. Except as provided in, the stiles and top and bottom rails shall bP set close up to the edge all round the dool on both faces making the door not less than 18 mm thick continuously along each edge; or steel plate not less than 6 mm thick, stiffened all rountl one face at the edges with T-bar not less than ISS'l'SO and further divided into. panels not exceeding 0.8 m' each b>T-bar of similar section, all riveted or welded ax spccitircl in (a). 6.1.2 Cast iron shall not be based for any fittinq of the door. 6.1.3 All bolt-straps or clips, sockets, latches, catches, hinges, pivot< and other fttiqqs shall be bolted or riveted through the door, and/or bolted through or xvelded or riveted to the frame, except as othwwiye specifically desired b\- the purchaser. IS : 3614 (Part I) - 1966 6.1.4 Hinged Type Doors be so at be If the opening exceeds 1.05 m in width, the door shall in two leaves, ( neither of which shall exceed 1.05 m in width) constructed that a rebated joint not less than 12 mm wide is formed the meeting stiles when the door is closed. The door or leaf shall not subdivided into parts hinged together. The door shall he hung on substantial hinges or pivots. There shall be on each leaf a central hinge, or a substantial iron lug or spur which will tie or grip the door to the frame when the door is closed. The door shall have bolts at top and bottom (or if in two leaves there shall be a bolt at the top and bottom of each leaf), and there shall also be a central bolt or latch. The bolts and latches shall he so arranged that the door can be opened from either side. Each bolt shall fasten into or engage the frame or a socket to a depth of at least 6 mm. The latch shall engage the frame or a catch to a depth of at least 12 mm. In the case of a door in two leaves the central bolt or latch on one leaf shall fasten into or engage a socket or catch on the other leaf for at least 12 mm depth. requirements: The bolts, clips, sockets, etc shall conform to the following a) Bolts - Not less than 12 mm thick throughout tional area less than 250 mmz. b) Straps wide. c) Sockets nor of a cross-sec- or clips - Not less than 3 mm thick nor less than 25 mm At least 6 mm in every part. 10 mm thick nor of cross-sectional area d) Latches -. Sot less than less than 250 mm". e) Catches - At least 6 mm in every part. The door frame shall be of steel at least 6 mm thick and riveted together at the corners. It shall be of such a size that it will fit closely to the four sides of the opening. Provision shall be made in the frame so that it can be securely bolted through Or keyed into the jambs, sill and head by bolts or keys at not more than 750 mm apart with at least three on each vertical side. A continuous fillet at least 25 x 12 mm in section shall `be mounted on all sides of the frame except the bottom. The frame shall be of such depth that the door when closed does not project beyond the outer edge of the frame and fits tightly against the fillet. The fillet shall terminate 25 mm above the 6 IS : 3614 ( Part sill to permit the easer removal of refuse. ed to fold into the thickness of wall, the pcnsed with, provided that: I ) - 1966 In the case of a door arra+g25 x 12 mm fillet ma!: be dis- a) the frame is formed of T-bar or angle-iron not less than 10 mm least the flanges of which shall not 1~ less than 50 mnl or more than 140 mm wide; 1)) the flanges overlap the edge of the door when closed at least 20 mm on all sides except the bottom; ant1 c) the frame respects. complies M~ith thp al~o\~e rqllirements 1)) in all otl1c.r A door in such a `I'-bar or angle-il.011 frame may be recessed behiiid the surface of the XVRII to an c~rnt not axcerdin% thr tlrirkness of the flanges of the frame. 6.1.5 Sliding T!*pe Doors `l'he door shall 1~ in one leaf`. `l'he door shall be hung from the top b\- supporting wheel\ fitted in steel hangers of substantial desiqt, extendjng at least 400 mm down the door unless designed with a double strap, in which case the!. need not extend more than 300 mm. Hankers shall be riveted to the door, If the door exceeds 1.5 m in width, not lrss than three hanger% each with a wheel shall be. fitted. Supportillg wheels and pins shall br of stael. It is necessary that \vh~=elq of 10x4. friction type shall 1~ I\sed. The rail lIpon which the supporting \vl~erls r11n shall be il flat bar of stcael at lrast 75 x 16 mm in section; 01' n rolled steel T-bar at least 75 x 50 x 12 mm in section; or an angle at least 65 Y 65 ;.' 12 in section on which a steel runner bar 16 >: 16 mm ill section fix~cl 1)~ rivets at 225 mm crntres to carry groo\.rd sllpporting wheels. A liame of steel not less than 6 mm thick at any point for fitting into the opening with bolts or keys not more than 750 mm apart, with at lcast three on rach Vertical side, shall be proViclec1. Along the top, the bottom and the side into which the front \`ertical edge of the door closes, the frame shall be oi'channcl bar at least 35 mm deep, and the door ~1~11 IIOLIW i!ito the frame to this tleptl~. Along the remaininK side, the franiT shall br rithrr of channel 1~~1 or ail,qle bar so proportionecl and set, that a groo\.e not irss tllan 35 mn~ deep extending from the top bar to the ljottom l)ar is provided. To engage I\-it11 and Ilouse into this groovch 10 a depth of 35 mm, an arlqle bar 01' cl~antr:~l .ba~, of wrought iron 01' sterl 6 mm thick shall IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 be riveted to the back height of the door. vertical, edge of the door extending the full If the door is stiffened with T-bar as specified above or has an angle iron not less than 35 x 35 x 6 mm riveted to the lower edge of the bottom rail, the frame need not have a channel at the bottom if a projecting sill of brick or cement concrete, not less than 100 mm thick and extending 150 mm beyond the openin,g on both sides is formed, or a sill of steel plate at least 6 mm thick, bolted or screwed to the frame extendin,g the full thickness of the wall and projecting at least 25 mm beyond the outer face of the door is provided. In order to keep the lower channel clear shall be made at the bottom of each side of the frame. 6.2 Metal Covered Doors of refuse, a slot 6.2.1 The door shall be without panels and the core shall be construcseasoned teak ted of layers of planed, tongued and grooved, thoroughly or yellow pine boards not less than 22 mm in thickness. The boards forming the outer layers shall be in single lengths, but the inner layer or layers may be made of not more than two pieces in any one length, provided that every length SC! formed shall be adjoined by a fuli length board on each edge. The boards shall be crossed at right angles and fastened together with iron nails shall be clenched. Immediately after completion, the core shall be treated with a coat of coal tar creosotr conforming to IS : 21811961*. 6.2.2 The core of a door protecting an opening not exceeding shall have not less than three layers of boards, but if the exceeds 3.25 m2 there shall be not less than four layers. 3.25 rn' openin 6.2.3 One layer less than those specified in 6.2.2 may be used, provided that the wood core be completely covered with sheets made of a hard composition of asbestos and other incombustible mineral ingredients not less than 3 mm in thickness. 6.2.4 The core shall be completely ( terne-plate ) not exceeding 350 mm mm thick coating or tinning. encased in charcoal tinned platr x 500 mm and not less than 0.50 6.2.5 The sheets shall be lock-jointed and not soldered, and tile width of the lock joints shall be not less than 10 mm. All horizontal and mitre joints shall be formed facing downwards. The sheets covering the edges of the core shall be turned round at least 50 mm on each face. 6.2.6 The sheets shall be attached closely to the core kvith screws 01 barbed nails penetrating at least three-quarters of the thickness of the *Sperifirntion ! rr~~iserl ). for rreosot,r nntl nnthmwne 8 oil for use 8,s woud preservatives IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 core and placed not more than 150 mm apart. and nails shall be inside the lock-joints. 6.2.7 The whole of the processes described completed within a period of two weeks. The heads in 6.2.1 of all screws shall be to 6.2.6 6,2.8 All doors shall be given one coat of red oxide, red lead or graphite paint before leaving the works and two coats of oil paint immediately after erection. 6.2.9 Cast-iron shall not be used for any and no lead or wood shall be used in fixing. parts or fittings of doors 6.2.10 All bolt-straps or clips, sockets, latches, catches, hinges, pivots and other fittings shall be bolted through the door, and/or bolted through or welded or riveted to the frame except as otherwise specifically desired by the purchaser. 6.2.11 Hinged Type Doors The door shall, preferably, be two leaves. A door or leaf into parts hinged together. * If they shall be so constructed less than 25 mm wide is formed the door is closed. in one leaf, but shall not be the door is in that a rebated at the meeting may be in subdivided two leaves joint not edges when b) A strip of iron or steel plate not less than 3 t: 75 mm in section shall be fixed by screws to each side of the door along the bottom edge and project 3 mm below it and a similar strip fixed in the same manner, shall be carried therefrom for 750 mm up each face of each leaf flush with the closing edge. Substantial strap hinges, extending rrot less than two-third the width of the door or leafshall be provided for attaching the door, or each leaf, to the frame or wall. If` tile door is more than 2.10 m in height, three hinges shall be provided for.fixing at intervals not exceeding 900 mm. 4 e) The door shall have bolts at the top and bottom ( or ifin two leaves there shall be a bolt at the top and bottom of` each leaf and there shall also be a central bolt or latch j. The bolts and latches shall be so arranged that the door can he opened from either side. The top and bottom bolt shall I:Lzsten into or engage the frame or sockets for a de@ of at least 6 mm or if there is no frame, then into iron or steel sockets which will be securely fixed in head and sill of the opening. The central bolt or latch shall fasten into or engage for a depth of at least 12 mm the frame or zr clip, 9 IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 socket or catch securely attached to the frame or to the In of a door in two leaves the central bolt wall. or latch on one leaf shall fasten into or engage for a depth of dt least 12 mm a clip, socket or catch attached to the other leaf. The bolts, clips, requirements: 1) Bolts - Not cross-sectional sockets, etc, shall conform to the following nor of a less than 12 mm dia throughout area less than 250 mm2. Xot 2) Strcrp,y or Clips 25 mm wide. 3) Soc8ket.r At least less than 3 mm thick nor less than part. nor of a 6 mm in every 4) Lutches - Sot less than 10 mm thick tional area less than 250 mm2. 5) Crrtc/res At least 6 mm in every part. The door shall be designed to hang in a steel frame at least 6 mm thick. The frame shall have a rebate at least 50 mm vvicle on all sides except the bottom. AAltc~rnntivrly, the cloor may be designed 6.2.12 Sliding as to overlap the opening. Type Doors to overlap at least 75 mm at the top and sides. a) The door shall be in one leaf and shall he designed the opening b) Hnngers md mpportilrg ruil - The door shall be hung from the top by steel hangers of substantial design, extending at lea\t 400 mm clown the door, unless designed with a double ~ joined to the end bracket with 40 x 40 `~ 5 mm angle iron, thr latter being rivetccl to the t1ividin.y plat r \\itli 10 mm rivrts at not more tlian 115 mm centres and bolted or rivetecl to the end brackets at similar centrex. Tile rlividiq plate shall br ~tifl'eiietl tliroughollt its length on the top alIt I>ottclm edges wit11 40 Y: 40 Y 5 mm qnplr iroll, ~ucil angle il,on lwillg ri\~ettxl to tlir tlivldlnq pl;kl(* Ivitll 10 mm vi\-et> at 300 mm cr~~treh. III 211 sr~cli cases the soflit. 01` l~ottom plate and tllc top pi;ltr of thr lxirrel cnclosll1.r shall be consti IIC'tcxl t)l` not less than 1 Irim \terl sliretl; bllt Llle bottom plate ahall l)r ; 75 mm is permitted provided the opening is covered by 6 mm steel plate at least 50 mm longer and wider than the opening. The cover plate shall be attached by not less than four screws or bolts. Alternatively, the fascia plate may be in two parts provided the abutting vertical edges are completely covered by a 6 mm steel plate not less than 100 mm in width, attached by not less than 12 mm diameter bolts, with nuts welded to the back of the fascia plate. c) A small hole of the the passage of a wire 15 minimum or chain size necessary in connection fol with JS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 a .fusible enclosure. link arrangement is permitted in a barrel Bolts, nuts and washers - All bolts shall be provided with adequate nuts and washers. In the fixing of the cha'nnel guide the front or fascia plate the washers shall take the shape of the slotted holes Lead washers shall be provided in the fixing of the provided therein. channel guides. Expansion - The barrel enclosure, including the brackets and the fitting of the barrel therein, the fixing of the guides and the depth of the curtain within the guides shall be so arranged as to allow for expansion based on 1 mm per 75 mm run, due regard being paid to the curtains extending the minimum depth into the guides. 7. MARKING 7.1 Every giving the manufacture. fire-check door and shutter shall have a metal plate manufacturer's name or trade-mark and the and shutter may also be marked attached date of with the 7.1.1 The fire-check door IS1 Certification Mark. NOTE -The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks) Act, and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. Presence of this mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance t,hat t,hey have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard, under a well-defined system of inspection, testing aqd quality control during production. This system, which is devised and mpervised by ISI and operated by the producer, has the further safeguard that the products as actually marketed are continuouslv checked by I81 for conformity to the standard. Details of conditions, under w&h a lirence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufart,urerx or pror~sors, ma,). lx obt,ained from the lndinn Standavdn Tnstitution. APPENDIX ( Clause INSTALLATION A-l. PREPARATION A 0.2 ) DOORS OF FIRE-CHECK OF OPENING A-1.1 Steel Plate Doors and Metal Covered Doors or A-1.1.1 cement The sill, jambs and head may concrete. Tl IC sill shall be 16 be formed of brick, stone protected 1,). a I1 iron or IS : 3614 ( Part I ) - 1966 / steel plate. Steel lintels may also be adopted provided they arg protected by brick work or by reinforced cement concrete of thickness not less than 25 mm. A-1.1.2 The sill shall be raised not less than 50 mm in order the flow of water from one btrilding to another. A-l.2 to check Rolling Steel Shutters A-1.2.1 An opening which is to be fitted with double steel rolling shutters shall be so constructed as to provide that the distance between the inner faces of the shutter is not less than the full thickness of the wall but in no case less than 400 mm. A-1.2.2 To meet the requirements specified in A-1.2.1 and to provide for fixing of the channel guides in the jambs, the floor, jambs and head shall be built out equally on each side of the wall; such projections shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements laid down in A-1.2.3 to A-1.2.8 and bonded with or tied into the wall. A-1.2.3 The floor shall be constructed of brick work or concrete not less than 130 mm thick without any cavity, and shall extend to the line of pro.jecting jambs and nndrr the channel guides. A-1.2.4 The jambs shall be constructed of brick work or concrete \,vithout cavity, the projection. required under A-1.2.2 shail be of similar material not less than 330 mm in width extending from the floor of the opening up to the bottom of the barrel enclosure with chases 115 x 115 mm provided therein for the channel guides. The chases shall be set Ijack at least 115 mm from the front of the projecting jambs. A-1.2.5 From the level of the barrel enclosure tlte projecting jambs shall be carried up of sufficierrt width, in no case less than 115 mm to support a projecting head conforming to the requirements of A-1.2.8. A-1.2.6 the above The thickness dimensions. of any jamb or lining shall not he included in A-1.2.7 Where openings are to be made for passage of trucks, adequate protection shall he provided to the edges of the jambs to prevent damage. A-1.2.8 The head of the openings shall be constructed of brick work The projecting heads required under A-1.2.2 shaU be of or concrete. concrete not less than 130 mm thick cavity and shall rest on the projecting jambs and extend up to the full width and projection of the jambs. 17 IS : 3614 (Part I ) - 1966 A-2. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS doors shall be so installed that the bottom of the door is within 3 mm of the sill. No wood or lead shall be In the case used in fixing the frame of the door in the opening. of doors of hinged type, the door frame shall be fitted closely to the four sides of the opening and securely bolted through, or keyed into the jambs, sill and head by substantial bolts or keys, not more than 750 mm apart with In the case of doors of sliding type at least three on each vertical side. the rail upon which the supporting wheels are to run shall be securely bolted through or keyed into the wall by substantial bolts or keys which shall br spaced at not more than 750 mm apart and shall be so placed that there is one directly opposite each hanger bvhen door is closed; the door frame shall br secllrely fixed in the opening 1)~ bolts or keys at not more than 750 mm apart with at least three on each vertical side. A-2.2 A-2.1 Steel Plate Doors -The Mete1 Covered Doors A-2.2.1 Hinged Type Doors - The door, or each leaf, as the case may be, shall be attached to the frame or wall by substantial strap hinges. Where the hinges are to be attached to the wall, the portion in contact with the wall shall be at least 250 mm in length and shall be bolted through or keyed into the wall at two points 150 mm centre to centrr. The door shall hang in the door frame which will be securely bolted through or keyed into the wall by substantial bolts or kevs not more than 750 mm apart or it shall be installed to overlap the opening The portion of the wall overlappat least 75 mm at the top and sides. ed shall be faced LIP with cement so as to ensure close contact when the door is closed. If the frame is omitted the bottom of the clool shall be protected by a 150 mm projecting sill of brick, cement coucrrte or stone, not less than 100 mm thick and extending 150 mm beyond the opening on'both ends, thereof, or by a sill of steel plate 6 mm thick, bolted or keyed into and extending thr full thickness of the wall and projecting at least 25 mm beyond the outer face of the door. A-2.2.2 Sliding Type Doors - The portion of the wall overlapped shall be faced up with cement so as to ensure close contact when the door is closed. The bottom of the door shall be protected by a 150 mm projecting sill of brick or cement concrete or stone not less than 100 mm. thick and extanding 150 mm beyond the opening at both ends thereof, or by a sill of sterl plate 6 mm thick, bolted or keyed into and extending the full thickness of the wall and projecting at least 25 mm beyond the outer face of the door. The bottom of thr door when closet1 shall be within 6 mm of the sill. The supporting rail upon which thr door pulleys run shall be securely and directly bolted through or keyed into the wall. The wall bolts or keys shall be spaced at not more than 750 mm apart and shall br so placed that three is one directly opposite each haq~er. ~vhen the door i< closed. 1X IS : 3614 (Part I ) - 1966 A-2.3 Rolling Steel Shutters A-2.3.1 The guides shall be set back as far as possible within the chase provided in the jamb, shall be fitted as close as possible to the front side of the chase and shall be wholly contained within the chase and shall not project beyond the face of the jamb, excluding any jamb lining. The guides shall be secured by 10 mm bolts taken through the thickness of the jamb, or by rag or expanding bolts securely grouted in position with adequate lead and iron washers and nuts. One bolt shall be provided within 150 mm of the barrel enclosure, one within 150 mm of the floor of the opening, and other intermediately at points not more than 600 mm apart. With the exception of the top-most fixing, the fixing holes in the guides shall be slotted ( about 50 mm in length ) and arranged in relation to the bolts so as to allow for expansion in a downward direction. The lead and iron washers shall take the shape of thr slotted holes. A-2.3.2 The brackets together with the barrel enclosure, shall be supported on thr projecting jambs and fixed by bolts or ragged caulking blocks and set screws not less than 12 mm diameter. Each Ijracket shall be fixed with at least two bolts which shall I)e of sufflciellt !ength to obtain sound and suitable fixing. concrete A-2.3.3 The end of the brackets shall not less than 115 mm thick. be protected by brick work 01 19 BUREAU Headquarters: OF INDIAN STANDARDS Marg. NEW DELHI 110002 Telegrams: tianaksanstha ( Common to all Off ices ) Telephone 331 01 31 I 331 13 75 36 24 99 18 43 16 41 24 42 25 19 2916 92 95 ' Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah tafar Telephones: 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Regional Offices: Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 : 1 /14 C. I. T. Scheme VII M, V. I. P. Road, *Eastern Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054 Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C, CHANDIGARH 160036 Southern twestern : C. I. T. Campus, MADRAS : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, BOMBAY 400093 600113 Marol, Andheri 2 I 3 41 41 c 41 ( East ), 6 32 Branch Offices: `Pushpak'. Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, 2 63 48 AHMADABAD 380001 I 2 63 49 +,Peenya Industrial Area 1st Stage, Bangalore Tumkur Road 38 49 55 BANGALORE 560058 38 49 56 I Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Nagar, 667 16 BHOPAL 462003 Plot No. 82/83, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27 531'5, Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th Byelane, 3 31 77 GUWAHATI 781003 5-8-56C L. N. Gupta Marg ( Nampally Station Road ), 23 1083 HY DERABAD 500001 6 34 71 R14 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 I 6 98 32 21 68 76 1171418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 ( 21 82 92 Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 6 23 05 T.C. No. 14/1421. Universitv P.O.. Palayam 16 21 04 TRIVANDRUM 695035 16 21 17 /nspection Offices ( With Sale Point ): Pushpanjali, First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road, 2 5171 Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010 Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, .1332 Shivaji Nagar, 5 24 35 PUNE 411005 *Sales Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P. 0. Princap 27 68 00 Street. Calcutta 700072 tSales Office in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, 89 66 28 Bombay 400007 $.Sales Office in Bangalore is at Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square, 22 36 71 Bangalore 560002 Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India